The Beatles are the best band in the world for me!I don´t understand why people talking about them like about shit.Sorry people,but they are just fu*king awesome!I absolutely love their songs,their style,their humor,their energy.I love them all! What is love?Paul,John,George and Ringo.My heroes. John is my personal hero,I love him for all.He inspires me in everything.
My favourite pictures :))
My lovely John :)
“When I was 5 years old, my mother told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ” happy”. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, I told then they didn’t understand life”— John Lennon
Ahojte!Tento týždeň som mala narodeniny a včera som oslavovala. Z veľkých plánov a počtu ludí to dopadlo celkom inak.Nakoniec prišli len moje najlepšie kamarátky a neskoršie sa ku nám pripojila moja mamina na Oldies party.To vám poviem,to bola nuda.Už nikdy viac oldies!Nič špeciálne som nedostala,akurát peniaze na nakupovanie na internete.
Vonku je už dlhšie hnusné a škaredé počasie s ktorým by som si to rada vyriešila.Ale sa stal opak.Tá zima a rôzne drinky ktoré som popila zanechala také následky,že som trošku chorá.Hovorím trošku preto,lebo som nebola dlho chorá a nechcem si to privolať,lebo sa mi nechce ležať doma.
Mám 17 a dúfam,že môj život bude lepší ako doteraz. :)